David Heekin: The Secret Sauce of Landmark Title

Welcome back to the Real Estate Excellence podcast with your host Tracy Hayes!

In today’s episode, we are going to deliver another best of the best episode with our guest, David Heekin, the Founder of Landmark Title. His great leadership and vision have taken his title company to the top. Landmark Title is one of the best title companies in FL. David has a Law Degree and MBA from the University of Florida. His company is growing fast and opening up a new headquarters in 2022, as well as more local closing offices throughout the state.

Let’s dive in and learn more about the secret sauce of Landmark Title.

[00:01 - 05:54] Opening Segment

I welcome today’s guest, David Heekin!
David shares his background, his study, and his early career journey.
The attorney and closers in Landmark Title.

[05:55 - 15:34] The Dynamic and Changes Within The Industry

Sense of urgency in the title industry.
The dynamic and changes in the industry within the last few years.
The beginning of the Landmark title.
The culture of the Landmark Title’s team.
Landmark Title’s new office building.
Expansion of the company.
David talks about the new facility for his employee.
[15:35 - 26:20] The secret sauce of Landmark Title

Relationships piece and the culture amongst employees.
The vision as a company.
Five core values of Landmark Title.
David introduces some of the team members and divisions in the Landmark Title.
The investment in staff training.
David talks about the hiring process and assessment.
Different behavioral types for each role.
Customer service.
Fast, fun, and flawless for real estate closer.
[26:21 - 40:35] The Goal To Be Over-Staffed

David talks about the reasons why people should work with them and the core focus of Landmark title company.
Making memorable experiences for the buyers and sellers.
David talks about the major failures in the industry and how he handles them.
The importance of closing on time.
Taking the human error element out of the closing process as much as possible.
The goal to be over-staffed.
David talks about his personal development routine.
Two books impacted him the most.
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber
Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business by Gino Wickman
Create a culture of constant development and improvement.
David talks about his plan to expand to a surveying company.

[40:36 - 46:47] Closing Segment

Is it more important who you know or what you know?
What you know
The Jumbo shrimp, or The Jaguars?
The Jaguars
Travel bucket list
Italy, Ireland
If you had one hour to sit and talk with someone, past or present, who would that be?
Ben Franklin
Connect with David.
See links below.
Final words

Tweetable Quotes:

“It all starts with having a vision and sharing it clearly with your employees.” - David Heekin.

”Our core focus is helping real estate agents succeed and buyers and sellers close with confidence.” - David Heekin.

“We make sure that we deliver the level of service that we want to deliver means we're over staff.” - David Heekin.