Understanding the Impact of Mortgage Credit Pull on Your Credit Score #shorts #realestateexcellence

#shorts Title: "Understanding the Impact of a Mortgage Credit Pull on Your Credit Score"

Opening shot: A person sitting at a desk with papers and a calculator, looking worried.

Narrator: "Are you thinking about applying for a mortgage? If so, it's important to understand how a credit pull by a mortgage lender can affect your credit score."

Cut to: A graphic showing a credit score range, with a red arrow pointing downward.

Narrator: "When a mortgage lender pulls your credit, it can cause a small, temporary drop in your score. This is because the inquiry is recorded on your credit report."

Cut to: A person sitting at a desk, looking at a computer screen.

Narrator: "But there's a way to minimize the impact on your score. It's called the shopping period."

Cut to: A calendar with a red circle around a date range.

Narrator: "The shopping period is the time during which multiple credit inquiries for the same type of loan, like a mortgage, are treated as one inquiry. This means that if you shop around for a mortgage within a certain time frame, usually 14-45 days, it will only count as one inquiry on your credit report."

Cut to: A person sitting at a desk, looking relieved.

Narrator: "So if you're thinking about applying for a mortgage, make sure to do your research and shop around within the shopping period. This way, you can find the best deal without hurting your credit score."

Closing shot: A person sitting at a desk, smiling and holding a pen, ready to sign a mortgage document.

Narrator: "Remember, a little research can go a long way in protecting your credit score. Thanks for watching."