What Home Buyers Expect from Inspections #shorts #podcast #realestateexcellence

#shorts What Home Buyers Expect from Inspections #shorts #podcast #realestateexcellence #housescan

Kurt Stein: Housescan Home Inspections #Housescan Inspections
In this episode of The Real Estate Excellence Podcast, host Tracy Hayes welcomes Kurt Stein, the owner, and founder of House Scan Inspections. Kurt graduated from Penn State with an engineering degree and managed a factory at Maxwell House for several years before branching out into real estate investments. He eventually founded House Scan Inspections. Today, he is being welcomed as a guest on The Real Estate Excellence Podcast to discuss his experience managing people, running an operation, and building a successful business.
As an expert in home inspections and owner of a successful professional home inspection company, Kurt knows exactly what to look for when you want make make a thorough assessment of the state of a property, and he understands the balance between taking care of the details and focusing on the money. he knows the ins and outs of marketing, giving agents advice on how to use cross-platform marketing.
[00:00 - 06:56] Kurt Stein, Owner of House Scan Inspections, Shares His Journey to Real Estate Excellence

Kurt Stein is the owner and founder of House Scan Inspections.
He has grown to be a force in home inspections in Northeast Florida.
He graduated from Penn State with an engineering degree.
He was voted most artistic of his senior high school class.
Kurt grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
He grew to manage a 70-80 employee shift at Maxwell House
Then, he invested Invested in real estate and entered the real estate business.
[06:57 - 13:35] Taking Advantage of Opportunities and Zoning Changes to Create Wealth
Kurt started a home inspection business after hearing complaints from his family.
[13:35 - 20:15] Digging Into the Hiring Process: Finding the Right Person for Home Inspections
Questions need to be asked to find the right person.
People hired don't come from the home inspection world.
Look for character and communication skills, verbal and written.
[20:15 - 26:57] Navigating Home Inspections and Avoiding Common Mistakes
Jillian was brought on to turn a group of 3 inspectors into a company.
However, they shy away from construction backgrounds, as they can be alarmist and nitpicky.
Training process is steps 1-100 with handholding for up to 6 months.
200 inspections are usually enough to see 99% of what you'll see in houses.
There are training facilities like House of Horrors in Miami and Denver.
Complaints come when expectations are too high or too low.
Home inspectors have to check one item per room at the bare minimum.
[26:57 - 33:23] Discovering Major Safety Issues and How to Handle Them

Focus primarily on major safety issues rather than spending too much time on minor ones.
Separate your report into minor, moderate, and major items.
Major safety risks include floor water damage and the risk of falling through the floor.
Minor safety risks include missing cover plates from walls.
Use the technology available to fix foundation issues.
[33:23 - 40:18] Home Inspection: Common Sense, Function, Safety, and Pool Tips
It takes money and time to make a decision on the condition of a house.
Home inspections can be highly subjective, and it's good to keep that in mind.
Inspectors should present information in a matter-of-fact way without sugar coating or alarming clients.
[40:19 - 46:58] Team Training, Marketing, and Other Specific Details of House Inspection

Pool inspections should be outsourced to a pool-specific inspector.
Leak detection is included with pool inspection for $289.
Small details, such as a door latch, can be life-changing.
Realtor relationships are maintained by keeping inspectors close to home and training them to be consistent.

[46:59 - 53:40] Horror Stories of New Home Construction
Pre-listing inspections can be beneficial for older homes or those needing to sell quickly.
Home inspections are the best money spent during a real estate transaction

[53:40 - 01:00:20] Avoid Costly Home Repairs with Comprehensive Home Inspection and Insurance Reports

Mistakes in construction are common, even in brand-new homes.
Home inspection services should include wind mitigation and four-point inspections.
[01:00:20 - 01:06:46] Uncovering the Red Flags: How to Spot Significant Issues During a Home Inspection

The importance of getting a home inspection done before purchasing or selling a home.
[01:06:46 - 01:13:35] Avoiding Common Misconceptions of Home Inspection
Things behind walls or underneath the ground are not included in a home inspection.
[01:13:35 - 01:17:33] Join the Real Estate Excellence Community and Take Your Skills to the Next Level!
Kurt appreciates his team for their hard work and dedication.